Do You know about powder

Do You know about powder

  1. Most powder is made of stone (talc) which are inorganic substances.
  2. Powder is one of the main causes of allergic disease in children.
  3. Powder 1 can we actually use up to 30% the left is in the air.
  4. It reduces facial powder. However, it causes blockages as well.
  5. The powder area Genital bulk Risk of vaginal cancer.

How to apply the powder

  1. Drill the hole on powder bottle only one hole.
  2. Pour powder on the finger not on the hand.
  3. Do not use powder when your face is wet. Because when your face is dry. You will look like monkey.
  4. The place is suitable for use powder is bathrooms.
  5. The location is not suitable to use powder is bedroom.