What is the first website in the world

The world's first website named. http: info.cern.ch Presence encompasses the first time on August 6, 1991 by Tim Weiner Sleep British physicist. It works as a consultant for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (European Organization for Nuclear Research) or CERN was founded in March 1989 and is headquartered in Geneva. Switzerland
        Numbers Downers Lee got the idea after idea to create a website's content, Surf and Bob Kahn has built a network connection to send data into groups. From a computer through a USB cable to a computer other. Or a well-known name. "Internet" has been achieved previously.

The purpose of creating the number Downers Lee was to give people the power to share information. This is the only piece together through the Internet, said simply, instead of having to send data in hand to others in turn view. We can take a look at any such information. On the site without having to live on the same block.
        Current website http: info.cern.ch It still exists The content appearing on the website tells the history of the emergence of this website.
        As the owner of a number of ideas to create a website Downers Lee has been hailed by Time Magazine. Issue Date: June 14, 1999 to one in 100 individuals with a role in the 20th century as he was awaken to the attention of the cyber world is rapidly increasing in volume.