Why ant stay alive in Microwave

Before you know why ants do not die in the microwave. We have come to understand the function of the microwave before.

Microwave creates waves The frequency of the microwave magnetron tube Tron. And then transmit it to the stove. Waves that are reflected back and forth inside. Colliding (to supplement and offset) of the wave. A standing wave (Stand Waves) inside the oven.

Standing wave that occurs is to make the water molecules inside ah. As we enter into the vibrations. The food is cooked as heat. It will be noted that the standing wave that is not at some point. None of movement (Red dots in the image) at that point will not cause vibration of water molecules does not generate heat.

So in a microwave must be rotated in order to make the dish. The division that we put into motion from the red to the point where the transmission waves to heat food evenly.

This time the answer. Why not dead ants in the microwave.

1. When ants feel the heat, They will escape to the less heat

2. Because ants are small, making it possible to avoid the red area.

3. Microwave is designed to immobilize the intensity of the beam to the middle area So The edges of the intensity of the wave less.

4. For the above reasons, it can run for a specific area. Soft waves or no waves at all possible. It was not the heat, it does not die.