Why Chinese doughnut has 2 sides

Chinese doughnut story start from Chinese soldier named "Yue Fei" who serve Gao Chong King. Yue Fei was a strong loyal soldier. He helps subdue the rebel guerrilla fighter is kind of the general public. Battle important it is to do battle with Kim. The nomadic Bedouin people of the east of China, close to Korea. Yue Fei battle almost won already. But the edict was given to his army back. Because Chingqui,  Mahamontri who their allegiance to Kim Jong abet. King talks to end the war against Kim Yue Fei very sorry about that. "We strenuous effort to fight Kim also difficult for the 10-year effort that will be swept into a one day only."

   But back then was appointed to a senior government official privy Chingqui and his men have sought an opportunity to get rid of Yue Fei. Not so incriminating that Yue Fei conspiracy. Finally, Yue Fei and his son were arrested imprisoned in the prison for two months, but the case did not materialize. Yue Fei because no guilt whatsoever. Chingqui writing secret to good Passau prison for the murder of Yue Fei.

     The death abjectly of hero Yue Fei, who thus became a tradition of the Chinese people, the dough was formed into two pieces stuck together, Fry called 'It Wha ginkgo (Thailand call it as 'Pa Tong Koa' In fact, different types of sweets), to express their anger in Chingqui. By contrast wheat flour is the meat of Chingqui and the wife will bring Chinese Doughnut to fly and eat to release the anger.